Our website and social media pages may have been quiet, but as for group activity, we’ve been far from it!
First night back!
Our first adventure of the term
First night back to regular section meetings after the summer! A fantastic evening of wide games and a go on the new challenge course at Wadeccar outdoor activity centre! It was great to see familiar faces and some new ones…
Group Camp Adventure!
Where we went and what we got up to!
On the 10th September 2021, our Beaver, Cub and Scout sections embarked on the greatest adventure of the year so far! A night under canvas and a day of exciting and fun activities! Our camp started with the tent pitching…
1st Group Executive Committee Meeting
On Thursday the 2nd September our newly formed executive committee met for the 1st time to approve a new group constitution, review the group’s financial position, approve the new GPDR & Finance policies, and most importantly, sign off on our…